Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went University Malaya[UM] for a seminar today..
Its huge.. if I dont really know that place, I might sesat inside.. Hahaha..

The seminar started at 9am, the lecturers are not bad.. xD
Its having a talk about your path after SPM or STPM,
But generally its about info that I've noticed or know ady 1.. So, its not really that informative for me as well as my form 6 classmates too..
ps: I've paid rm20 for that, I get some souvenir, A cert for attending, Foods.

:The Hall:

NG part <--- Left : Right ---> =) [My Daughter & Me]

[Me, Yx, MichzFern, Cn]


At about 4pm, we decided to go eat pizza at JJ b.tinggi,
Pizza again for me, Haha.
Its 15th February since I last met Pizza.
As usual, the pizza restaurant is crowded inside..
The services there are bad..
But Pizzas are Delicious..

ps: to yx, michzfern, cn.. The Buns we ate today are so so SWEET

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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