Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I should be inside my dad's car now with my family,
they're going for "Qing Ming" today. Is at KL.

Or else-

I should be at a hall near titiwangsa for an activity with YXin & PZhen.
But we canceled the plan last minute.


Im sitting in front of computer and start blogging about wher should I be.
I must force myself to put my msn status as "Appear Offline" in order to avoid any interruptions for my rivision.
YXin taught me this. Hahaha

See this 方大同 愛愛愛 女生合唱版 [Fang da tong : Ai ai ai (Girls duet version)]

I found this video accidentally somewhere at blogger also. The girl sang so Nice right?

x Signing off x

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