Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Not much for today,

Okay, I went KimGary with Yx, Cn & Eb today after school..
Actually, we are planning to share cakes at Secret Recipe,
something turn up then we went Kim for our lunch.
Not bad la the foods ther..

So, we are eating and gossiping there without any studies
Although there's a small test today in ecomony's class after that..
We were talking and laughing loud in the restaurant and its a bit odd with our school uniform there.. :D

About the small test,
We went there for the test at economy class after we had our lunch,
Its extremely tough, no 1 can figure out how to answer even a question out of 9.
Sigh.. And Im staring at the paper without hands moving.

And, My economy teacher insisting us on "Not getting addicted to online games" ever ever.. This is an experience of her that she told us today [About her son 1 lah].. Okay, I admit Im still playing online games, but I can control myself 1, okay? =D


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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