Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I'm busy this week, I didn't go school for 4 days already.

From the very beginning, My mom and my sister ate something wrongly and my mom was admitted into hospital at first cause of dehydration. She went in arunamari, bayu there. We go visit her on Saturday[1st day] and she just keep vomiting, even drink also she vomited out right infront of me and she cant control at all, aiks. She's so tired whole day. If her blood percentage keep dropping, she have to go into ICU. I was thinking, ICU? So serious 1? Hope not. The next day on Sunday, she's quite OK already- Less vomit, able to eat a lil. Food Poisonous is Killing and better watch out what you are eating.

My sister stays at home and she's not well at all after my mom went in. So my dad have to take care of her till Tuesday, she's also vomiting the whole day. Until she's really so sick [Tuesday], my dad send her to hospital at night and the hospital which my mom staying were so full and she have to go Pantai. That time I'm having tuition so I don't know whats happening until I finished my tuition, my dad called me and tell me about this. Everything is fine after she went in. She's still a small girl, so my dad have to stay there to take care of her. My sister recover quite fast and I think she can come out tomorrow[Saturday]. Yay.

Back to my mom, she's so worried after she got to know my sister went into hospital and she cannot sleep at night. The next day[Wednesday], she ask to come out from hospital cause she's worried of my sis and doctor agreed but she have to go for a blood test on Thursday noon. On Wednesday night, I stay at home and take care of her before I go clinic [I'm not well too since Saturday]. My mom's face was like changed, her face become so fat and she were so blur when I ask her question. I was so freaked out by her breathing sound when she's sleeping. So loud, I never heard this from her before. On [Thursday], I switched my position with my dad, I take care of my sis and he send my mom for blood test. The doctor asked my dad to bring my mom for kidney wash. She must wash her kidney, those poisonous blood had accumulate her body and she Must wash immediately. Then, they went Sunway Medical Center for kidney washing. The doctor there is so busy and have to wait for quite long. Then, My mom went into ICU and started her kidney washing at about 8something night, it takes about 4hour+ to finish washing. See how serious it is when you get food poison.

Today, I went and visit my mom, there are rules going into ICU[Incentive Care Unit]. 1st, Visiting time on 11am-1pm and 5pm-8pm only. 2nd, 2 person per entry only. Its a small room for my mom, each patient in ICU will have a personal nurse so as my mom. Her condition are much better than yesterday. Glad.

They'll be alright very soon. =D

Thanks to my dad that is taking leave and running here and there these days, my aunty that came over to my house to help out for house chores, my bro who taken care of my sis for a day, my whole family, my friends who know and concerned about [HG, YXdaughter, VANgranddaughter, JH, PZ]. THANKS~

x Signing off x [Friday, 24 April 2009]

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