Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Saturday Noon

I was absent to KK because my stomach is just not well, then at 10+ YXin Daughter came and fetch me to JJ for Greenbox [we-just-love-to-sing] with Vanessa Granddaughter, Adelyn and Michy Fern. Its nice, 1 thing not nice is greenbox always stop the singing period so on time, I'm expecting they would have gave us more time on that. XD
And I tell you. Please beware. Don't simply accept Celcom free gift [a-sim-card] when you are at roadshow. They ask for your info and tend to change your current number with your info given without YOUR PERMISSION! YXin is gonna blow up the whole Celcom company soon. Right? They changed her line from DiGi to Celcom without her permission and its difficult to change it back too.

Saturday Night

Its an earlier birthday celebration for Hooi Ling and M3.
I have to thanks to YXin daughter and CSiew who planned this celebration.
I have to thanks to them who telling lie just because of a surprise for me.
I have to thanks to them who attended to the celebration.
I have to thanks to them who wished me and to those who gave me present.
THANKS! I'm really happy with That. ^^

We celebrated both of our birthday at Mandajirin, 17 of us there. I'm so glad they attended. But the foods and drinks there is not okay. But we had fun there too. While we're capturing pictures there, people around are staring at us like "this-is-a-restaurant-okay?". So funny. Thanks! again. Its just another unforgettable day.

My Current Classmate. Ain't they cute? =D

Hooi Ling n M3 / M3-YXin-CNie

3 Soo n M3 / BKau-M3-JYeng-PSiang-CHuey

Lastly.. THANKS again to ALL of you there. ^^

x Signing off x [Sunday, 19 April 2009]

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