Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

At last, my freaking mid term has finished with the busy-ness paper today. It dragged for almost 2weeks to finish all the exam when they can just arrange it within a week. Okay, as I finished my exam, that means my holidays are coming! SO FREAKING NICE Although it is just 2weeks from the beginning of June. So, My books will be kept frozen inside the refrigerator for 2weeks, or perhaps more. Hahaha. So, whats the plan for holiday?

For me, I've canceled all my going-to-do holiday plans. Because I've found a part time holiday job. Working? Yes, I'm going to work. Why? I'll grow old faster at home if I didn't find myself a thing to do during the holidays. Its the old place, 'PadiniConceptStore'. If I recall back, I already quit there for 1year because of Form6. After 1 tough year, I've been hired due to sales, if not they won't do so. Lucky timing huh? Therefore, I'll be spending my whole holidays working inside a shopping mall.

Don't talk about the that first, the main thing is YXindaughter, VanGDaughter, Ade, Ade's BF, HGuan and I will be going to Sunway Lagoon this Friday. I'm So freaking looking forward for this outing. I've forgotten how long it is since I last went in. I wanted to play everything, everything and also everything. Although I cannot play and enjoy during the holiday, but its enough if I went Lagoon. My wallet is bleeding at the same time too. Lucky thing Ade got a discount for the entrance tickets. Hahaha.

Lagoon Here I Come

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 27 May 2009]

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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