Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

My holidays for Raya started! Hahaha.
Its kinda 'Song' because I dont have to wake up early morning to go school one week.
But this time it is not considered as a holiday for me, so many things I have to finish by this holidays. My art project, Urghhh, the art teacher went back kampung and I cant see her for guiding me on the project. This project must be handed up on the first day right after my holidays.
Another thing is my trial exam is few days right after the holiday end. The worse thing is I haven study what Im supposed to cover up. All I can do is finish my project as soon as possible and start my revision.

I went GreenBox again today. Hahaha, So crazy. With Daughter, Yee fern, Ching Nie, Chee How and Choh Guan. Okay, Its a bit unbelievable but believe this, Choh Guan gave his first visit to GreenBox with us. XP. He never went KTV before this. When I heard this, I was like 'Huh? Hahahaha".


After that, Economy class. Our teacher told us something that is funny.

" If you were really sick during real exam time, dont write or scribble anything on the exam paper. Just in case if you wrote few answers and then only you faint before you can complete your paper, they will count on your paper and you will score so badly on that paper that might cause yourself to fail that paper.
So what you can do is MAKE YOURSELF FAINT BEFORE YOU START YOUR PAPER. hahaha. the next thing they'll do is to send you to the hospital, so you might pass your paper with this way." Seriously, this would work!
But, Im hoping that this will not ever ever happened on myself.

Enjor your daysss

...In some families, please is described as the magic word.
In our house, however, it was sorry.

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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