Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

These are some of the photo we've took during Ketam trip..

Speed Boat that cost 10bucks each.

Hair Advertisment?

Houses on the seasss

The Ketam Street

We're heading to somewhere

Spot 2 guys

Shen Chieh - Pei Zhen - Yean Xin - Hong Guan

We're trying to Jump!!

Im Jumping! thx to PZ for this shot

Dried Salty Fishy

Pei Zhen - Yean Xin - Shen Chieh like this effect

- Shoes - Guess whose is it

3 of us again & again

He is pressing on his phone

I wonder what attracted his sight

Daughter on the Bike

Pei Zhen on the Bike

Im on the Bike

Its hot and still a long way to go

Shen Chieh - Pei Zhen - Daughter - Father

Hong Guan - Shen Chieh

Finally we're stopping by to have a meal. Ring~Ring~ we paid 5bucks for renting this
A Gigantic Ketam that might SWALLOW you

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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