Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Its like finally, we went together for steamboat buffet dinner @ Yuen Sunway. Or I should make it supper because we went there about 10plus night time. There are 13 of us there. So nice right...
This is the second time we're planning to have meal so many people together. All of them is from Padini Authentics except dew only. We couldn't make it for the first time due to some problems. Anyhow, we enjoyed our meal.. SO FULL~~

Pretending like the Model behind Us. Seriously

Rounding Sunway Pyramid
Took some photos and here they are. All combined. 

The PA's~~

I got my STPM result today at 12 plus. Due to work, I check through message instead of going to school.
and.. I got..

B- Pengajian Am
B- Seni Visual
B+ Ekonomi
B+ Pengajian Perniagaan

So, my CGPA will be 3.00 overall out of 4.00.. Im satisfy with everything... now I'm gonna apply for Local U and hope I'll get either one..  :D


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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