Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Hey AIESEC. What's Up.

I came across this organization when I first came in UUM. my friends around me would say : "Lets go join AIESEC, they say is good.". I don't really know what is it all about at the beginning. After the recruitment drive and after I'd attended the exchange session, "Inception: The Day", the Chit-chat session, and the LEADERS' Day. I'd know what really AIESEC is. It doesn't disappoint me with what I'd thought earlier, it was fun.

The facilitator were being good and active with the newbies like us, and of course me. There are process that you need to undergo to become one of their members, it is as what I'd said above.
The purpose for joining this organization is self development. Basically Leadership, but they also provide Exchange program! this is the attractive one. We can even make Interns friends from other countries. Well, lets give it a try at least right. Never Try, Never Know. I know it will make myself getting even busier, but at least I'd show effort in doing this, even if I failed.

I make new friends there, the facilitator there are so friendly, some of them even came from the same hometown as me. The best part is I got my friends to accompany me in all these activities. We can make fun together anywhere and anytime. And now....

Be Yourself your own,
Not how Others want you to Be.

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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