Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Okay, I'm using my friend's (Add Heart) computer to write these things out. quite pathetic.

Okay, this is what I'm gonna say, sounds formal right. Actually not

AIESEC! I mentioned the interview thingy right previously? Yeah! I got chosen as Junior Executive of Talent Management. I'm considering myself very lucky and happy as well. too bad few friends of mine never apply for any post. nevermind, they'll apply and they'll get as well. hopefully I can collaborate well with the AIESECers smoothly throughout events and activities.
Btw, I'm going Penang for Local Leadership Development Seminar aka LLDS in this coming sem break which will be held on 3rd to 5th september.. This will be considered as my first 'Camping' activity after so long being here. **Smile


Sometimes how you think is not what you've seen,
Sometimes how you feel is not what you've listened.
I got my crazy friends here, I'm being me and being normal.
If you want to step into my boundary, follow my rules, please.
thats all and thanks for your co-operation.
I might receive Badness, but I'll give out Fairness.
Be Equal / Be Fair and Be Mature.

Okay lah, it is just what I feels. You won't understand.
I like complaining and telling out whenever I'm not satisfied.
This is one of the place. Right?! 
Go create one also.

Despite that, I'm posting about Alor Setar outing very soon!! Gosh!


2 Confessions:

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Woah Junior Executive of Talent Management.
Im going to Sembang-Sembang slot this Friday. hehe..I still dont know what department i should join leh. Any suggestion?
Ish..I cant wait for September to come!! haha
Lim yam cha teh! hahahaha

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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