Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Lemme share some pictures of what I'd gone through here.

This is AIESEC's Inception: The Day
My roommate with the Lt. Pink shirt, Hon Choong
My Klang-Mate with the white shirt, Han Wei; yellow shirt, Linda; and pink-grey stripe shirt, Chee Kar
A Friend an alien from Mars with the grey-black stripe shirt, Jia Xin

 Moment we're having lunch together. The middle one with specs is a taiwanese! His name is Su Ni.
The purple one is a friend from Ipoh, Kar Yee
The rest is former schoolmate Ching Nie, Candace, Amanda and Jee Yeng

Hari Pahlawan. It is about Bukit Kepong. its kinda sleepy there.

we even played tennis! first time whey.

this is so not true. boys went in everytime to go to their room including me.
they put this because previously this is girl's residential hall.

thats all for now, more to come!

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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