Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

1. Realized
It's like finally, I realized. no matter how good or how bad are you. you have to always watch how people feel and react to it. people always say : Just ask if you don't know. But the FACT is people will feel that you're dumb or stupid just because that you don't know. Of course I don't deny that there are people who'll be helpful.
So, equip yourself with very knowledge as you possible and then ask yourself is the best solution to everything.

YOU your own is always the best medicine for yourself

2. Reality
Why? You just have to accept the reality anyway. Don't judge if you don't know me. And don't make assumption that easily. and thanks for the worse part that is grouping with people to agree to your statements / assumptions. I don't show agreeing when I don't make any response, you're just gonna realize everything by your own. People said and told many times, but whats the point of repeating it without any result shown. You are seriously gonna accept the reality and the FACT that people does that even tough you dislike it.

Don't change things that you couldn't change, change YOURSELF instead

3. Really
I'm darn happy that I'll be ending my semester and have my really long semester break after 3.5 days here in Northern University of Malaysia. So gonna execute my holiday plans. there might be changes along the break.

i. Working at Padini Authentics (again) during the long holidays.
ii. Attending NATCON (national conference) at UPM on the mid of June.
iii. Going to Penang for AIESEC work on early July.
iv. Going to Redang on early September.

Stay tune for more.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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