Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

So, tomorrow will be the last day for my semester 2. Well, I bet every single word in the picture do happened on me.

Semester 2 - It's been a very short and hard semester. why Short? I've been very busy with academic and activities. But I enjoyed it, thats why it feels short. and why Hard? I had gone through several tough things this semester but I'll tell you the worse one - Misunderstand. Yes, people tend to magnify a small tiny little thing which I don't understand how the hell you do that. The worse thing about this is that you don't have to influence people with your thoughts and ask them to stand by your side. Will you?

and here goes my True Friend quote.
A True Friend will appreciate you whatever it is. But if you don't get that, they are like Mosquito. mosquito sucks 
I can scream in front of you and say 'I know people around me better now' if you don't trust me. At least if some say I don't, deep down in the heart they know what they did. You want something? Pay first.

Anyway, if you feel your temper is coming, get a cold shower like I did. It do reduce temper.
To clarify, I still have my true and best friends around me, I APPRECIATES THEM.

I can't believe that I'm actually running away from here (my uni) within 24 hours. I guess I'll be at home already if you happen to see the upcoming post.
pss. current obsession : Mean - Taylor swift


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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