Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

i've heard some truth about something that i wouldn't even know if i didn't ask. so it's good to be curious, as curiosity kills a cat. but it didn't pull me down. i wonder sometimes people don't really see things very much detail that makes them, what word to use to describe the situation, got it, 'narrowed'. it narrow down your thoughts and vision about the thing it actually is and how you actually felt about it.

i might not be the best, but i'm working on it to be. what else can i say is : judge me and i'll prove you wrong.
that's no right or wrong of being this way, i value myself more than how people value me. i believe the world doesn't fall apart because of one, there are still many behind holding you up.

i may not dislike you, i just realized how you make me realized what action should i take. thank you #

if you're seeing this, don't ask me because i wouldn't tell what it is about

1 Confessions:

Dear SC, work hard and prove to others!=)
You are always amazing in the way you are.=)
I like your spirit.Fighting!=)

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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