Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Yes, I've been spending my time in Klang, Kuala Lumpur. All I can say is it was a blast holiday.
The most important is I got to spend times with my friends and family. I met many friends that I could probably meet once a year. Is like seriously long I didn't see their face. I'm not bad okay.

I've registered for APXLDS in Japan, I've applied for MDF (Member Development Fund) and I've decided to fill in application for LCP (Local Committee President). Hopefully I can finish answering the questions by 10th February, go Shen Chieh ! Plus I got an EP is realizing at Poland tomorrow, I'm like shooooo happy, after all the effort and it is a February realization.

Next, I'll show you pictures, because picture tells everything, i'm lazy

photo with family, that is my elder cousin sisters' family

elder and younger cousin sister
did you notice my shorter hair?

form 6's Classmates gathering dinner

the before and after Yee Sang. Once in a year

Gong Hei Fat Choi at K session

And lastly I would like to make an announcement on behalf of my beloved little sister. 
Today is the 8 years old Birthday of her, Jenny Chen.
Hereby I attach a sweet and super duper lovely family photo.

my hair is still long by then, and where is my brother?

FAMABROs will LOVE you as always.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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