Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

It's so late at night. As shown on my screen, 0432 GMT +8.

I couldn't sleep in this point of time. There are very limited space for me to go to bed. Therefore, I decided to blog something here.

Did I mention I'm going Korea? I have to tell you that I'M GOING SOUTH KOREA IN JAN'13!
So excited.

My department did Performance Appraisal yesterday. It's always good to reflect yourself and receive feedback from your teammate, people who work with you, people who knows you, people who makes you hold on for so long. I'm glad and touched when I heard 'you're a good leader for me', 'you're good in assigning tasks', 'we're happy to have you as a leader', 'I will support you always'. This is one of my achievement. Although I will never be the ideal leader that all of you intended to follow, but I'm happy in at least I met your expectations and managed to bring the team together to achieve a common goal and established the relationship between us.

You will now know how much I'm truly proud of my teammates, as I said, this is one of the best moment happened to my AIESEC Journey. I will never forget anyone of them, or us as a Buaya Family.
No matter how will we be in the future, I will still keep all of your trust and faith towards me within myself.

I have my Buaya family tree as

Love Buaya Daddy, Chen Shen Chieh
Love Party Girl, Monique Lim Hui-Jing
Love Old Nyonya, Jessie Yong Lee Chin
Love Diet Hippo, Stella Lee Jia Yee
Love Crazy Shortie, Tan Yi You
Love Ham Sap Lou, Soo Kein Hong
Love Creamy Sweetie, IceCream Ang Mui Koon
Love Fashion Lady, Wong Wai Ye
Love Peace Cutie, Lim Shu Chen
Love Silent Princess, Jessica Lau Pui Yin
Love Dancing Queen, ArielTeng Yee Kuan
Love Sexy Boobs, Phyllis Ho Tian Tian
Love Blur Mushroom, Tang Mei Yin

we all received an envelop by yi you with a message and drawing inside !
touched !

my Managers and Junior Executives

my Managers, Jia Yee, Me, Monique, Lee Chin

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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