Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Today, as usual, I went out till 5 something morning.
I thought i'll wake up about noon 1pm+.. I've set alarm,
Mana tau I woke up at 5 something near evening. Gosh.

Then, I receive a call that asked me to accompany them to
Sunway pyramid to buy a "LG" phone. Answered: Ok
I went pyramid with Hong cze, Hong Guan & Peng Hooi,
and the 1 who wanted to buy a phone is Hz..
He is searching for LG Ice Cream, a new model of LG phone,
at last he found the shop and he bought it..
This is the LG phone he bought,
AND.. Its for his GF u kno..
So Good Of HIM.. @@
He bought a white 1.. its nice

Happy Valentine Day to Both Of U..
After Hz bought the phone,
Ph suggested to eat at Pizza Hut at about 7 something,
[ as u kno i woke up at 5+ and i didt even put anything into my stomach yet ]

Pizza is crowded,
Finally, we had a seat, its at the end of the shop and the place is quite hot..

We're looking at the menu book and dont kno what to order..
And finally, we ordered a 6Person set meal. And it has to finished by 4 of us.. @@.. Hg still wanted to add somemore but he didt.. Its already so much for us.

6 mushroom soup for 4 of us.. And of course Pizza

After A While..

From the top:
Mine [ Im so full! can't put in anymore ], Hz [ So Clean with the soup bowl terbalik ], Pf [He's Full also ]
Hg's Food, he's still eating.. He loves Pizza that much,
He's still eatin although he's full.
Hg from the left and Hz [He looks blur]
Pf [The 1 with hat] and Me

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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