Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Im wondering why can't I sleep yesterday night,
Im awake until when im going school in the morning[6.45am]
Ps: I woke up at 5pm+ the day before.
I play games until 3 something and after that i manage to finish a
damn long drama "Gem Of Life" (last few from 82 episodes) until 6am+..

At the beginning im reminding myself not to sleep during school time,
must tahan till finish school..
But i failed, i slept inside the class about half n hour long,And the assembly today is Soooooooooo Long, the assembly held for almost 2HOURs.
Im getting crazy of it sitting ther doing nothing but juz talking. Sigh..
But Nevermind,
Yean Xin and I are planning to "PONTENG" for school tomorrow, haha..
If we really does, I can sleep more and wake up late tomorrow, yeepee.. :)
And of course we r going for GreenBox tomorrow with :
.Its 2pm noon.
  • Jiang Huei (the 38-est)
  • Boon Chung (the Happiest)
  • Pei Zhen ( the Blurest)
  • Kar Yen (the Smallest)

My sister fell in SICK.. ( Hope she'll get well as soon as possible )

U guys can talk bside the box ther.. xD

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