Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went "Run For Peace". [Yesterday]

Its 8km long and all of us who entered have to run till ambang botanic there, so longggggggg lah.

1st timer..

At first "I run with you k?", "Wait for me loh" but end up all running themself including me. Lol
Damn a lot of people there, about 5500 people, and we're wearing the same shirt.. All green one.
The activity starts at 8.00 and I finally finish it at 9something, imagine I ran these long.
I seldom exercise 1 lah..
They gave a cert and some cold drinks and foods to me after the run. So Nice =D

M3, JHuei, Dickson & KSiang, JHuei, M3

YTing, YXin, CNie, MYee, Violet, KSiang, SLing, Huey,
M3, JHuei, Dickson

Before & After the run [M3]

So nice can enter this activity with friends. Haha
I enjoyed. Yeepeeee

After that about 11+, I went to my current school for a Blood Donation Activity.
Actually we went just for an attendance..
But end up.. I DONATED [Yesterday]

1st timer..

"I donate if Hooi Ling donate" I said this.
But she's going to donate also because at first she dosent want, so I said that.

Filling in the form

My bloods r flowing out

Its a good experience for me.. Hahaha
At least I know how pain is it when the nurse is poking in the big needle thingy into you.
And I get to know my blood type when im testing whether I can dotane or not.
Mine is "A"..
How about yours? Do you remember? =D

Ppl who donated: My classmates.
M3, Ching Nie, Chee How, Hooi Ling, Lan Tzin
All I can say is "So Good Of U".. Daughter YXin she cant donate cause she had some problems. I know she wants to donate blood so much, Hahaha

Im hungry and we went MCD after that.
I have to eat something after loss of 350ml of blood.
RM5.95 for a MCD meal. Its Worth!

For conclusion:
Im so tired and my legs are soooooooo pain.
All I've done are sleep about dono how long and missed a day to school today.. Hahaha

x2 First Time within A Day! =D ps:YXin I grab photo from you k? hehe

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