Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody


I went Pc Fair with Daughter, PZhen, HGuan & JHuei.

Okay, HGuan fetch us there. We actually planned to go at 10am but end up going at 11+ due to something. Eventually, we went for breakfast at 11+ and we met HGuan's sister husband so all the dishes we ordered would be free punya and I have to thank him for treating us.

We started going at 12noon happily, but KL's road just make us so not into the mood to go. For KLCC, there are few roads that yu can see the sign separately and you dont know which one to follow. JHuei is leading the way but he might giving some wrong information sometimes. We saw a signbroad showing "KLCC" but he says "Not this one, there's another way to go there.". So, we listen to him, and he leads the road quite well. But roads at KL are really not farmiliar to us, so we went wrong somewhere and we saw a secondary school and houses instead of tall buildings. We're nervous but we found the road back to the city after sometime. Hahaha

We settle our car parking at 2.30pm?! It takes us damn long to find a carpark [KLCC's were full]. I dont know whether its just because of PC fair or its always like that. It is just so long.

Damn a lot of people on the first day. And all of the promoters are giving away the promotions paper like "Im not paying for this". You'll get plenty of colourful papers when you go PC fair. =D

I know its all words and you are getting a bit boring of reading it. So here are some pictures

All of Us at Pc fair

I got this from there. A recycle bag, small pillow & Tee.

And I bought a mouse also. 18bucks, it is cheap.

We left Pc fair without going KLCC at about 5.30 evening, cause we planned to eat at YEN, a steamboat buffet for 22bucks per person.
The business for this shop is soooooowwww good, while we're eating, there's so many people waiting outside to be seated. So, we eat slowlyyy, hahaha.
So full lah after that, our stomach is like bursting after we finish eating. Torturing ourself with eating so much. 4 of you, you guys remember the chicken rate thingy right? hahaha

Daughter and PZhen went back at 10something. So 3 of us headed to Pantai Hospital for a visit.
A baby boy was born by HGuan's eldest sister. Congratulations.. Both of them were safe =D

Im tired, I've been using my legs so long today for walking here and there.
But, Its darn happy with this outing.. xD

Facebook's Pet Society cant enter, maybe its because of my streamyx connection. ISH!
[this is nothing with the outing, xD]

YXin wrote this also on her blog with [click this] more pictures uploaded. =D

x Signing off x [Saturday, 11 April 2009]

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