Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I've found out 2 games from Playfish, Pet Society & Restaurant City. [Facebook]

I'm addicted to both of it.. Feeding here and there, Serving this and that. Hopefully these won't interfere my coming exams cause I'm playing on that non-stop.

MUET exam is on the next Saturday and I have to go through Reading,Writing, Speaking and Listening within 2 days. Pray Pray, hoping that I can get expected result and I don't have to retake the exam anymore. Mid term exam is on the coming month, have to burn midnight oil again. Now I have an art assignment to be done and to be passed up by September. Have to hurry up so that the assignment would be finished on time. I've just started the engine, long way to go.

HGuan is going Pulau Perhentian on the coming Sunday, I wanted to go but my dad just don't let. Sob, never mind lar. Hope he enjoy there and bring some souvenirs back for m3. Nyek nyek.

P. Perhentian Sea -I can only feel it through picha. =D
Beautiful right?

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 15 April 2009]

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