Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I got no idea why for the mid term I really got none of the feeling like 'Owh, I must study hard this time'.. Chit chatting around the school. So, if wanted to study, don't talk to others. They'll influence your mind to not study. Hahaha.

I had my General paper today and also yesterday. It is all about writing and issues about Malaysia and I don't really like it. There are 3 more papers to go. Okay, just 3 more. 3 more only. Then I'll be getting off from school for 2weeks. How nice it is we got holidays after exam. Mine are starting at the 1st of June! I can sleep late, Wake up late, Stay in front the computer all time, Going out anytime I want. But my schools' holiday always didn't crash up with any of my colleges friend's sem break. Theirs will surely arranged either right before mine or right after mine. When they enjoy, we study and when we're enjoying, they're having break. This is so not right. Right?

Actually, daughter, granddaughter, Ade and I are planning for Sunway Lagoon during holiday. The good news is: "we are having 20% discount!" And the bad news is: "we haven come up with a decision yet which day we're going." I never go Sunway for 'Centuries' already. So, hopefully this plan is working.

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 20 May 2009]

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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