Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Being busy this few days.
Exam started today with Microecons. What I studied don't seems to appear on the question paper and of course vise versa. Nevermind, its already over. 2weeks more to go for all of us to finish mid term. All I can do is to grab my books and keep on digesting every single word in it. For now, last minute works are important cause it will help and Im doing it. Haha. Counting 1 2 3 4 5 6... My final exam thats STPM are getting near, its just another 6 months from now..

Anyway, I had this show with YXindaughter, PZhen, JHuei, HGuan, WKiat, Dk.

Its more about religion,
I thought angels and demons will turn up as the title shown but it does not.
Don't really get what it means at the beginning cause we're a lil bit late but behind was Okay. Haha//

Rating : 6 / 10
[Im sure with this rate now, xD]

x Signing off x [Friday, 15 May 2009]

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