Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went lagoon as planned. Okay, let me start from the very very beginning.

I have to fetch my mom to sunway hospital for check up because the doctor called and changed the appointment to Friday instead of Thursday. At first, I thought I'll manage to reach home at about 10 or 11something if I go early. As usual, blood test-medical report-pharmacy then go back. After the blood test, I waited and waited for the medical report to be done and it takes about 1 and 1/2 hour for the report to send to the doctor. I stared at the clock on the wall and it shows 11+am. I'll be the "king of late" today. We planned to go at 10something, everybody were prepared at 10am except for me. They are waiting for me only and I'm still inside the freaking hospital waiting the freaking medical report. After the medical report was sent, my mom was summoned by the doctor and bla bla-ed inside the room then we headed to pharmacy for medicine. Again, 10 over more people to go before our turn. Haiyo..

Finally, I'm out from hospital at about 12noon. I was late for 2hours already. Then, something worse happened, guess what? Traffic Jam. I was like 'oh-my-god, they're going to chop my head off.' I'm so frustrated that time and the line was long like don't know what. Imagine my head are exploding inside the car. Why everyone must come out and make traffic jam when I'm being so rush. None of the traffic police was doing their job although I see few of them wondering on the street, What is this?.

After don't-know-how-long, I came out from the jam and reached home at about 1pm+. We [YXindaughter, VanGDaugher, Adelyn, HGuan] headed to lagoon. I feel sorry for them to wait me for almost 3hours. And finally, we reached pyramid for car park and meet up adelyn's bf - William there.

We entered lagoon just after we got our wristband that's a Watch. I didn't know that they changed the wristband to a blue colour watch and it looks better than the earlier one.
Lucky there is no rain, we manage to play everything except for walking on the long hanging bridge. I saw peoples dancing at the water there as those Indian songs were played. So funny lar. There's a 'sneak preview' the 'preview snake', the snake was huge!! Seriously, the new 360* pirate ship was awesome, Imagining a heavy ship turn around 360*. The safety precautions for that ride were quite good. But Van can't get a chance to play that and take picture there cause she left earlier, Sob.
But I guess all of us enjoyed in lagoon.. =D

At the entrance of water park.

Entrance of Lagoon. The duck is Van rite? Hahaha

Night time, we went for steamboat buffet except for Van cause she left earlier and William that is going back to kampung but with additional that's WKiat, SDuan, JHuei, Ksiang and BChung. We ate everything we can, because we're so starve after lagoon. Our stomach was so empty. And of course we're so full after having the eat-all-you-can dinner. Lol.

Lastly after dinner, all of us headed to 1st Station to meet up with Van and her bf - Ian for HGuan birthday's celebration. Ordered some drinks and chat for sometime. Then, we start to happy-birthday-to-you4 to HGuan. Instead of writing so long, Let the pictures talk..

'I want to cut my cake, Hehe!'. That's what he's acting.

Birthday cake bought by Van, Ade, YXin, William and M3

...Group Photo...

So, that's all for 29/5. Its packed with fun and activities. ^^ Btw, I'm starting my holiday work today. Its noon shift. Bless me~//

x Signing off x [Monday, 1 June 2009]
...Starbucks Camereal cream is nice!

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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