Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Tuesday [16/06/2009]

Went for a school trip with whole bunch of upper6 students and some lower6's. Destination - Science Centre and Parliament. The weather is extremely hot nowadays. Im the 1st timer for both of these places. Science centre is quite nice inside, but there are some machines that is not funtioning. Daughter, GDaughter, Ade, CNie and I walk around together inside =D. And for Parliament, the rules to get in are very strict. No digital devices, tie must be wore so properly, uniform attire and Silence. Its boring inside and nothing other than sitting there watching them debating about country issues. How can we missed our camwhoring session..


Try looking at our face

Satellite Transmission.. Tee Dee

V .Peace. V

Its us in a line at the garden part
All Of US

x Signing off x [Monday, 22 June 2009]

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