Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Friday [19/06/2009]

Its the birthday of Soo Brothers a.k.a the triplets. They like really alike when I first met them at padini and I'll always becareful so that I won't call the wrong person. But now I can differentiate them easily after a year. ^^.. We celebrated at Neway Centro. Many of our classmates attended that night, they should be very happy too.. The buffet at night were delicious and our room's surroundings are not bad. Enjoyed! I wish they could achieve a great results in thier coming STPM.

Happy Burfday to 3 of you -Hong-Eng-Wah-

Drinking Champange. YuM SenG

Classmates and M3

Saturday [20/06/2009]

Former school Chinese Society's activity, its been almost 2years since I left Raja Mahadi. Daughter, CNie, JHuei, KSiang and I got an invitation to attend thier activity this year. The programmes they arranged are quite funny especially the acting part. There are also other school that came ACS, TPG, KU and bla bla. They are not active by just sitting there watching only except for the seniors and KU school that are dancing and shouting there. Hahaha.


.Seniors. V^_^V


x Signing off x [22/06/2009]
Had so much fun

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