Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Weee.. I went Pulau Ketam from morning to noon just now with Daughter, PZhen, HGuan and PHooi.

Firstly, we went there by a speed boat. It cost us 10ringgit for 1 ride.
I cant believe that I dropped my 50ringgit note on the sea when im passing it to the boat driver at the jetty time. I was so freaked out. But luckily he manage to get back the note. If not my remaining 40ringgit will be swept away by the seaflow. Phew..

The weather there is so damn HOT. We wander around there and take pictures until we met BKau. He's 1 of my classmates that know every happening in P.Ketam.
Each of us rent ourself with a bicycle and BKau as our tourguide there.
After that, we cycled for dono-how-long and dono-how-hot-it-is.
The road there considered quite narrow and you have to cycle carefully. If not, you will fell into the sea easily. Hahaha. One more thing, even when we're walking, we have to be caution if there is any people is riding a bicycle on the road because we will have to "Siam" those bicycle, not the bicycle "Siam" us. Or else, you have to let let them to bang on you. XD

Actually I went there due to my art project. I have to take pictures over there. So, we went several place eg. Boat building place, fish dealer market and Etc Etc..

We even ate fried lala there. Oishi! I love their fried lala so much, I've always wanted to go back there to eat this.
It is tiring going P.Ketam but we had so much fun there. ^^
There is some problem with the pictures folder in my computer. I'll post up the picture right after that.

Next up : Penang!!

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