Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

"THE PROPOSAL" yesterday with YXinDaughter and PZhen at Sunway Pyramid. It is funny throughout the whole movie. Enjoyed watching this. Haha. You should go and watch if you haven't. Maybe you can steal the ideas to propose your partner next time. :P

Rate: 8/10

And.. We went for this too during the time before the movie starts.
Just for fun...

V peace


Downstairs incident freak us out

For today, its just the same as previous, I had to go school early morning and waited dono-until-when until the bell rang for me to go up to my class. It was just a normal day until we found this :

A rat

A cat.

+ Dead +

2 Animal corpse near to my class. = =.. I wonder how both of it died. So gross.

Back to now, it is still a normal day after all although that is so abnormal. XD

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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