Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Just last weekend, I went Station 1 with Daughter and Pei Zhen to have a drink.

Station 1 is still the most preferred. Hehe

My drink

Pei Zhen and Yean Xin

And, few days before this that is Sunday night. I remember so much. We went for a dinner at Port Klang. And the name of the restaurant is Bagan Hainan Seafood Restaurant. People! remember this name. DONT EVER GO EAT THERE! you know what? we went there with the feeling that we got to eat delicious food because we're so hungry. we went inside and found a table for us to sit. but then, we waited for about 10mins only the people there come and clean our table. Im okay with that. After that, we ordered few dishes. And you know how busy are them? they even forgot the last dish that we ordered after we've waited for so long. before that, Im eating a bowl of rice just with a plate of vege only. the dishes are damn slow. for your notice, there is only a chef in the restaurant. What?! ONLY 1?! i wonder how tauke is going to do their business with only a chef and 3 workers. The service there is so so bad. Arghh, I swear i wont enter that restaurant anymore.

Back to yesterday, Station 1 is better than Jeth Coffee House. Hahaha. we went there yesterday night. After that, I went for Tsunami with Daughter, Hong Guan and Daughter's cousin family them. Haha, the reason we're going is there are 2 extra tickets. XP

Rate : 7 / 10

Altough I didt understand the language they spoke inside the show, but this show is nice.

You can see how one will sacrifice for the one they loved. So touching. Everything is not known in the future, so, appreciate what you have now before its too late.

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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