Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

FINALLY, I've finished my Art Project and handed up morning just now.
Its like a B U R D E N released. Woohoo! Its been so long since I started this project, february onwards.

After that, I went KTV with Daughter and Pei Zhen as a reward for both of us to finish our project. We went there damn early due to our booking at 10am. So, we're the first customer to go in. Hahaha. This is tiring because I woke up early morning to hand up the whole thing.

But, trial exams are so near, I'll be taking the first paper on this thursday.
God Bless Me.

..A free lunch is only found in mousetraps
.. And there's no ceiling on effort!

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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