Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Just finished watching this competition. For me, this is the best ever singing competition I ever watched since the first season, it is even better than American Idol. Haha, this is what I think. The 5th season of this competition had just ended yesterday. All of them competed for half a year to get so far from so damn much people. There are really touching moments about some of thier backgrounds and the effort they had spent along all these and also thier story of how they get so far from the beginning. It was like rare stones that had been transformed into a beautiful diamonds. They are really qualified and deserved for all this. Billionsss Congratulation to them. Love them!

Champion : 孫自佑
1st Runner Up : 劉明湘
2nd Runner Up : 梁曉珺
3rd Runner Up : 徐詠琳
4th Runner Up : 李杰宇

These are video from the 2nd part of the final. Enjoy..

tHE Champion's.

tHE 1st Runner Up's

tHE 2nd Runner Up's

tHE 3rd Runner Up's

tHE 4th Runner Up's


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