Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Early morning, I went Greenbox with Daughter and Pei Zhen and then Wei Kiat joined after a while.
Sometimes, It is easy to plan something, but when it comes to who you wanted to ask, there will be some minor problems with it. Because things happened suddenly sometimes and you cant really able to decide on the spot whether you're going or not. If it is me, I'll make myself go if I promised you accept there are reasonable excuses. Im not against anyone But no lousy excuses. Due to Halloween, Greenbox is trying to make haunting scenery. Quite Nice lar. Hehe

After that, the climax art of the day, Farewell gathering for all of the upper6 students organized by lower6 students at Prescott Hotel. Okay, not to admit, they set it as Hi-Tea session because I thought it will be at night at the beginning. Almost everyone came except for a few. This is the first time they having a farewell in a hotel other than our school. Better right? And this is the most important part, we've took hundreds picture. HUNDREDS PICTURE WHEY. Imagine we have to keep smiling and smiling. But it is fun also to keep smiling like that. At least we got pictures to keep our memory fresh even if we might not see each other seldom later. So, the reason why we're taking picture is to keep a piece of the memories we've gone through. Isn't it? (I raise my hands). I guess we go there for taking pictures only. Before this, we were quite excited for this farewell, not about people making farewell for us but the attire we're going to wear. You know why? we don't have chances to wear formally like what they did in collegeous always. school uniforms are not formal to us So, we are excited. Hahaha. Im getting the pictures very soon. Cant wait for my friends to tag me on facebook!! Yeahehehe

Few of us that are taking business papers are having exam tomorrow. So, after those excitment, we have to start studying for tomorrow's paper. Good luck studying...


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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