Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went too much show a week. Almost once each day. I went Greenbox with Daughter, Granddaughter and Adelyn. At first, we are planning to go KL, then we changed yesterday to Pyramid, then yesterday night changed to KL also but with G that is KLG. But at least we came out. Haha. Singing time passby quite fast huh?..

After that, go walk while waiting for the show [Pandarom] to start showing. And Adelyn bought herself something too. Hahaha. There is a game machine that is quite exciting which you have to put tokenss inside, I don't know what it called but the others are shouting while playing that by pushing your enemy in order to survive. Cool.

Rate : 7 / 10

Its about Aliens and OuterSpaces. English movie is always the best choice. Because of the Sound Effects. you will surely got shocked with the help of sound effects. Don't you? And the character inside, it wont looks odd and fake. Because they looks real, imagine if HK are showing alien movies. Which one will you choose? (I don't choose HK one)

It is A Happy Day

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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