Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

HOORAYYYY!!! I know im being too happy or crazy. This is because I had just finished my horrible and freaky almost-3-weeks STPM exam. I bet you know this kind of feeling, when finishes SPM that time.

Flashback, when exam is on the next day, you will feel like "I don't feel that I studied" although you've gone through more than enough. Because people say : The more you study, the more you forget, Right?.. And I don't know whether this is stress or not, I can't sleep at the day before the first exam start. How horrible it is. Im taking 4 subjects included ART. For the art subject, it is the first and last time im sitting for that paper because all of us who are taking art subject never sit for this paper before that.One word : Tough

I got so many things to do after this, plans will be planned and planned plans will be carry out right after this. Hahaha. Go to a place with beach with friends and family. Go have fun at Genting. Sleep anytime I want. Burn My Books. Celebrate this and that. Find for works (i got about 6 months of holidays). And Go Penang?
you know how great it is knowing yourself dont have to face books any more and really enjoy yourself in a holidaysssss. But FACEBOOK is still on. FACING BOOKS will be off..

More updates coming, 
Lastly, W-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E
its party time!


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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