Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Today is quite a tiring day. Due to my finished exam, I decided to sleep damn dman late yesterday, about 6 plus. I don't know about you, this is consider extremely late for me. Heehee.

Morning 10plus. Christine drive and fetch Me, Ching Nie and Daughter to Greenbox. She ponteng her work today What to do? We must relax and Sing out loud. STAR school science stream student had just finished their exam morning just now and they planned to go Greenbox with a whole bunch of schoolmates. We met them there. So many of them (about 5 rooms) compared to 4 of us. 

After that, we go meet with Yan Jin to go eat and her Sis comes along. We got no idea where to eat and her sis decided to go Che-Go. So, we follow her and she paid for the bill. Have to Thank her for the treat. Arigato. Btw, the food there are not bad but why there are so few customers always.

No no, the plans haven end yet. We watched Zombieland from 3.30pm. This show was almost 2hour. Seriously, this is most probably the funniest Zombie movie I ever watched. Hahaha. Go and watch now if you haven. But as usual, it is disgusting like the Ninja Assassin I watched yesterday. Eewwww.

Rate : 6 / 10

Storm Warrior, Im coming tonight!!

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