Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Planning and Planning. Choosing and Choosing. Finally we went Sunway Pyramid for christmas countdown. There are 5 of us including YXin, PZhen, HGuan and WKiat. At first we are planning to watch movie one, Treasure Hunter. But all the movies for that day were fully booked. So end up not watching any. We went there about 8pm and got a parking there about 9.15pm. Not really jam because we went there earlier. There are still some parking slots left for us.

After that, we went Wong Kok Char Chan Teng for our dinner. Quite full there but the waiter manage to get us a table. Okay, we ordered and the dishes were served quite fast. HGuan was complaining that the food he order is not nice. Hahaha. And, the size of the glass for the drinks we order was served accordingly to our body size. LMAO. HGuan is the Big size yet short one.

Jeffrey came and join us about 10plus. We went for jalan jalan. There's a new bar 'Opera' and the people inside was so full. There are so many police standing beside the streets to avoid spray selling. So, you will see no one is selling any spray so public there but privately through bag. Interesting.
Okay, we started to spraying each another about 12am. Everyone is spraying like hell there. Even the cars get sprayed. I bought my jacket there to wipe myself instead. Jeffrey sprayed into YXin mouth accidentally. Hahaha. Whole body was damn sticky after that. Anyway, we had a perfect christmas countdown there this year. XD

Wong Kok Char Chan Teng

HGuan's Drink. So cute Isn't it?

Capturing with a small Christmas Tree

HGuan - PZhen - YXin - Me - WKiat

The Group Photo. That is Jeffrey with Specs

After the Wars


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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