Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Im tired these few days. I woke up early morning on last saturday for the sales preparation, is 8am. This is the worse, I have to stay till 10.30pm. Gosh. Freakingly tired!!

I went to "Jom masuk U" carnival yesterday to survey which Local University is suitable for us. Because we have to fill in some forms later on. As Mei Yee said, there are almost 95% and above are Malays. >.<.. At first I don't know where is it and I almost got to the wrong way. Luckily I call my dad and asked him.

Many things are happening nowadays, people are getting busy but I feel great because we can still come out and hang around together even tough how busy we are..

Yean Xin, Hong Guan, My Brother and I will be watching Case39 tomorrow night. YXin insist to watch this so much, so we bought Sunway's instead of Jusco's ticket because this is not showing in Jusco. WTH?!
Horror film.. You know I dislike horror film because I'll be closing my eyes throughout the show. Hahaha.

This is not important but IM OFF TOMORROW!!!

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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