Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went for a Buddhist camp (Ai Wo Qing Nian) on 29/30/31 Dec. For some reasons, I have to go there 2 days earlier. OMG. That means I have to stay there 5 days. So long. So, 5 days of camp and of course 5 days vegetarian food. Vege Vege Vege... and still Vege. I don't elaborate about the camp so much. I was one of the facilitator. The camp was quite fun but not the beginning. Everything was like so COLD infront. Not bad overall. At least I found myself a camp before the year ends. Heehee.

These are the part of the committee. XD
I wish I could go again this year.

Now, the countdown day. I came back from the camp about evening. I did't even rest and straight away go out with Tuck Chee after bathing. So rush. We went to have steamboat buffet as our dinner with PZhen, JHuei, BChung, KSiang, Dickson and 3 more friends. It is near sunway pyramid, name of the shop is 'Summer'. Been there before? the food there is quite nice. Eat till you drop. I was tired and full after the dinner. @@

Tuck Chee - Me - Pei Zhen

Below are the group photos.. XD

Tuck Chee and Pei Zhen, you know what happened right? hahaha.. *Hug hug*

After that, I went CocoBanana and meet up with HGuan, Jeffrey, Melissa, Kivi and friends. Heehee. They are having countdown session there. That place deco is nice but extremely jam, we have to push people in order to walk to the other side or to the dance floor. So flooded inside. *Faint. We countdown inside and it is     so fun.. Counting down inside a bar and peoples are shouting everywhere you can see.

Yum Seng!!! Celebrating the new coming year

Kivi - M3 - Jeffrey

Group photo

To Be Continued....

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