Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Now, Im joyful living in my current situation, current job, current Life. My parents bought home some chicken essence. And I was like "Omg, this is so good. I'll be glad having this"..

I like my current work, maybe it is because I have friends working with me and I can complain or mess around with them anytime. My colleagues are like so funny and they always make random jokes. Make fun of each another, doing crazy things. *Laugh*  But, not to forget my friends that I used to hang out with after I finishes my work. *High5*
Two rules to survive working : Ask If You Don't Know and Stay Steady. thats all

Although it is not like everything is as perfect as you imagined, but it is good to have something happened with imperfections. Sometimes things happened around me are not really the things I wanted, but the good thing is I can see some other unexpected things that I might just missed inside it. Right?

I'm listing down what I'm going to do next month and what is upcoming next for the next month. Everything is planning and will be planned. Looking forward for the Gathering and to Saloon for hair dye if possible!!!


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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