Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

7 / 10
This is not bad, I just simply like movies with magical characters inside. 

Okay, Chinese New Year is so near. Everyone is like so excited but I don't feel any feelings when I'm working. The whole store was full with customers, thats why I say don't buy things during last minutes. The cashier counter queue was damn long and you'll have to wait for damn long until you can pay. Malaysian peoples used to be last minutes right. Well, including myself. XD I'm wondering whether they thought new year clothes will be like bread : "Cheaper when you buy late". Hahaha

I'm unable to attend my father side reunion which is at afternoon because of my work. I have to work even-though its the day before CNY. Pity right. Fortunately it will be closed at 6.00pm. *Gulps 

After that, I'll be enjoying my Chinese New Year for 2 days before I start working again. 


I'll be playing fireworks tomorrow!!

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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