Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Is like finally, I got my salary today.

I shared with my parents to buy a cake for my sister tomorrow. It's her birthday. I used my own earned money to buy a cake for her.. She's happy because she's planning to bring the cake to kindergarden tomorrow to celebrate with her kinder-mates. Well, she's officially 6years old. I wish she's safe always, enough. =)

Then, I went and fill up my car petrol. Something funny happened. I was so excited to fill up the car petrol with my own money, I thought 50ringgit will be ngam ngam for my car. At first I thought 40 will be insufficient, so I changed to 50. When I started to pump and the ringgit meter go about 39,  the petrol started to come out from the hole that I inserted the pump. Then I was like "OMG, this is so not good. The petrol container cant even fill up to 40 ringgit." I'm so nervous and I drive off quickly after that. So, I wasted 10bucks for a whole life lessons. That is "Don't wear a XL size shirt on a S size Body".. Hahaha. Maybe I should have went and ask for the remaining 10bucks from the cashier counter right although it is like impossible?! Yeah, It is so Impossible.

Chinese New Year is approaching very soon. Quite Excited. But my off days are making me not as excited as the others.


Happy 6TH Birthday to My Beloved Sister Jenny


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