Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

What the Hell.

I met an old and not nice looking uncle today when I'm working. You know what...
First, he came to me and asking for short sleeve shirt, then short sleeve shirt with two pockets. I look around and did't notice any short sleeve shirt with two pockets. Maybe I'm bad luck and miss-looked, unfortunately he found one hanging on the rack there.

Once he lifted up the shirt, he start complaining to me...
"How you work ar?! You cannot see one meh?! You stand there for so long do what? How come you don't recognize your merchandise? You did't study one ar?! If I'm your boss I'll surely scold you badly. RIGHT?!"
then I apologize to him about the mistake. Then things get even worse, he complain more and more using those not-nice tone.

And then I was like "WTF YOU WANT?! People made a small mistake then you start mumbling like hell. So clever go find your ownself lah!!" But as you know, I can't do that in front of him. All I'm doing is to force myself to SMILE SO BIG towards him. What the, So fake right. I really wish I could drag him to the toilet and start smacking him.

He went into the fitting room and try one shirt for don't-know-how-many-decades. He came out and ask for supervisor, but she's not here today. Then, he say that I look STUPID. WHAT?! I look stupid?! Then you very brilliant is it? Damn you

After that, he ask whether there is any promotion going on or not. I say there is 10% with any purchase. He reply "10% ONLY?! Berlagak la Padini.". Mister, 10% is better than nothing okay. You want more go open one yourself and take for free lah everyday.

At last, he bought 5 same pieces of same shirt and color and design. Crazy is it? 5 same shirt?! I think he's gonna wear each one a day during weekdays. You think you're uncle or boss then so big lah?!
You need more love you know. Thats it

...seriously, I'm freaking angry with him.

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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