Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I work morning shift today. Everything is normal even sales started. Its like no one would bother come in to shop on weekdays. I bought myself a pants today. Weeeee..

Okay, into the topic. I went fullhouse with YXin, Nicole, YYan and Andrew. Although I go sunway, but I never go in fullhouse. So, we planned this thing. It is nice.
We got 6 actually. Due to some reasons, TECK WEE ffk-ed us. Kinda disappointed.
...Make it short...

The PA's. 5 of us there.
The atmosphere there is nice. 

My Food. Not Bad to eat. =)

Little Thomas and our Group Photos

Cam-whoring sessions
This is Nice, look like Lady Gaga style right.
The specs are special.

Andrew is so shy doing this pose and he is non-stop laughing there

I bought this for my dad as his birthday present
since he got no proper sandals XD



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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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