Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Sorry for not blogging for these days.
I've been living with the creepy + horrible + disgusting so called "snake" thing for about 2weeks. Thank god it is recovering now. Compared with the week before this, I'm suffering from the pain given, Imagine how pain until I can't really sleep at night. Now, I'm getting okay. But I still have to control my appetite, NO itchy food such as chicken, eggs, seafoods, fish?!.. I'm eating wheat breads during my breaktime for throughout the whole week. Pity me.

Anyway, I'm going Penang again this week. Woohoo.. damn looking forward!!!!!!! We had made reservations for the hotel with seaside! Although I can't really eat everything there, BUT I'M STILL EXCITED. I applied off days a month before for this trip. Few more days and I'll be online there. I'm so gonna walk, talk, crazy, eat wherever and whenever I want. Weeeeeeeeeee...

I went for this show with friends yesterday,

7 / 10
I like the characters made inside

Another important thing today, 
I dye-ed and cut my hair. Satisfy with the new hairstyle. <3 
It's in dark brown color


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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