Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I'm not having any fever or running nose or cough.
Its a bit serious than that. I got many red spots at my left hand shoulder side.

I thought it would be okay but it doesn't. I went clinic today, when the nurse ask me in and I showed the spots to doctor. The doctor ask me to go out without saying anything. I was like : "huh?" and went out. Then the nurse summoned me and give me medicine and cream to apply on the spots.
Then she ask : "you want take MC or not?", I replied Don't need. Then she ask again : "you're working or studying?". I replied working. Then she say : "you must take MC because it will spread to others if you did't take care properly" and gave me straight 3days MC.
3days? So serious?!. Well, I called my supervisor Nicole and tell her everything. She agreed to give me MCs. I feel sorry to my colleague who gonna work full day as my substitutions when I'm not around. Thank you guys.

I don't want these spots, I don't know how I get these damn things. Because it will feel itchy and pain when I'm hot. So for now, I'll be staying in my room with air-cond. Control my appetite. Drink more water.

I have to take care these properly, I've been controlling my sister not to go onto my bed. Staying far away from me to avoid the spreadings. As well as my parents.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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