Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Okay, once again I got no time to blog. sorry
I'll crap about what happened and what is happening.

I went to a place so called "Uptown Kota Damansara" with my colleagues yesterday. I got no idea where is it at all other than the word Damansara. So, we went after work at 10.30pm. They asked so sudden and I don't have the time to change my uniform yet. Haha.
Seriously, the things and the items selling there are all Cheap Gila. Some are like so nice till you don't know which to choose. Choosing Phobia. Its like stall by stall. Get yourself there if you haven't. Heehee.

Btw, I'm going to resign soon. End of this month. I passed up the letter to my supervisor aka Fazlin.
Due to the contract, they got the right not to give annual leave because I'm leaving one month earlier. But the good thing is Fazlin agreed she approved my leave.. So nice right. Thanks to her.
so that I got chance to join my friends to Redang on the end of MAY!! Heehee


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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