Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I would express my life nowadays are Exhausting.
Its about work and the up coming event is really making a headache to me. J-card day.
In case if you don't know, it is on the coming 12th and 13th. The merchandise at our store are as cheap as 9ringgit. Within estimation, the people will be like hell lotz.  In the same time, there will be plenty of full days for all of us in this month. the may's schedule is driving me mad. But for the last month, about half a month  precisely, I'll motivate myself to go through all these seriously.

the sad thing is, result for entering University is coming out on the 3rd week of June. Its like so damn long. What to do other than just waiting patiently doing nothing here.

well, ignore the top one. There are changes on the vacation, we are going Pulau Perhentian instead of Redang.
yipeeeee..  =D


So Beautiful under the Sea


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