Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

The previous days were so tiring and Imagine thats me right up there. due to the torturing J-card days, I have to work from 8 in the morning to 11 night. And I was like "So damn long until I would die for it". We're having huge sales and it was up to 70%. The 70%'s seems attractive. People are buying and buying like they never did even tough it is so not-nice. Some of them just like to try plenty of clothes and bottoms but end up not buying anything, Motif? Just to tell the others "Yeah! I went and the things are just so damn freaking Cheap there!" 

Btw, I bought myself somethings also. A damn cheap long pants, A damn nice shirt, 2 tee from Sub and A tee for my lil sis. All these cost me 140. Okay its cheap. 

I got about half a month more to work and I'm gonna be on Vacation after that. Looking forward. Pulau Perhentian. :D I mentioned this so many times right. Heehee. I wanted to go snorkeling !!

I'm browsing the web and I found these. I wanted to eat so much. Cupcakes.

I-Phone anyone? :D

I bet my brother and his friends would like these

Darn cute with those expressions

These are Adorable

Christmas Cupcakes

Actually, I'm having my off day today.

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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