Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

As you know, I were resigned from Padini. Should be Padini Authentics precisely.
I start working from the beginning of the year to the end of the month of may. Well, I meet many colleagues there, some of them went study, some of them were transferred to other outlets.

But I'll miss the way you guys teach me when I'm still new,
I'll miss the way you guys call my name when you first met me,
I'll miss the way you guys crack your head to solve a problem,
I'll miss the way you guys laugh when we are gossiping and making fun of others,
I'll miss the face when we get scolded by our seniors when we get complains from marketing.
I'll miss our P.A Cheers. =)

There are sweet and bitter moments when I'm working there. But I do claim that they'll be the best colleagues I ever had. =)

The Day @ Full House

Steamboat @ Yuen

Last Day @ P.A

I like this pose. Remind me of someone.

I love this Photo. Everyone made a face!

..No matter how far you go, just remember that you appreciate
the previous moments that you had.. 

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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